Workshop or seminar

16 - 17 November 2024

Wokshop week-end - Zurich

This workshop is mainly devoted to the teaching of the four basic practices: Tandava, the Yoga of the emotions, the visualizations of Matsyendranath, the practices of Vijnanabhairava Tantra. There is also time for questions/answers.

Workshop accessible to all. 

WORKSHOP THEME: In the tantric vision, passion, desire and attachment are dynamics that both reveal the essence of the Self and can obscure it. We will explore how the tantric approach uses them so that they become the royal road to enlightenment.

TIMES: The days begin at 10:00 a.m. and end at 6:00 p.m. The reception is on Saturday from 9:30 a.m.

ADDRESS: Stadtoase, Tobelhofstrasse 21 - 8044 Zürich ||

TO TAKE: Comfortable clothe and a meditation cushion.

Language spoken: French translated into German

Rate: 210CHF (190euro)

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