Workshop or seminar
01 - 02 November 2025 Italy
Workshop week-end - Turin
This workshop is mainly devoted to the teaching of the four basic practices: Tandava, the Yoga of the emotions, the visualizations of Matsyendranath, the practices of Vijnanabhairava Tantra. There is also time for questions/answers.Workshop accessible to all.WORKSHOP THEME: Life and death in the Tantric universe. The anguish of death in relation to our power to achieve a full, audacious life, free from shackles, frameworks, habits and the dominating presence of a confused mind caught in the spiral of constant repetition through inner discourse.TIMES: The days begin at 10:00 a.m. and end at 6:00 p.m. The check-in is on Saturday from 9:30 a.m.ADDRESS: NOD - Nuova Officina della Danza || Via Mantova, 34, Torino || www.nuovaofficinadelladanza.orgTO TAKE: Comfortable clothes and a meditation cushion.
Language spoken: French translated into Italian
Rate: 165euro (175CHF)
Registration form
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